The Greater Purpose

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I’ve always been drawn to the story of the butterfly. I believe it parallels our bios lives in many ways. As a believer in Christ, I feel it beautifully defines our calling and purpose.

First, let me tell you a true story, though I cannot recall its origin. There was a young man who found a caterpillar cocoon in his garden. He excitedly watched it day by day, awaiting the butterfly’s arrival. The day came, and he found the cocoon shaking and trembling. He watched for a long time and became very anxious for the creature. He felt it was in trouble, so decided to help. He cut a very small slit into the cocoon’s wrapping.

In great joy He watched a beautiful Monarch Butterfly emerging. It wasn’t long before he saw that something was wrong. It was crippled somehow and could not fly. He was so glad he helped it when he did; for it may have died because of its weakness. A Biology Professor, who was a friend of his was visiting so, the young man showed him the butterfly that stayed on a plant He had. He related the story, saying how glad he was that he was able to help the poor creature emerge.

His friend replied,” Your heart was in the right place, but your lack of knowledge is what crippled it and ultimately will be the reason for its death. You see, God created the life cycle, from caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly- to be difficult. The difficulty coming out of the cocoon is what would strengthen the wings of the coming butterfly. When it passed through the process it would emerge strong and ready for flight. But you, in ignorance cut away its ability of purpose.”

I believe, like this young man- we in ignorance of this life God has given us — in our own emotions try to make things easier. Often blaming God for the difficulties instead of seeking Him out for the real answers. Hosea 4:6 says “My people are destroyed for Lack of knowledge.” Our lives. Like the cocoon, are meant to prepare us for the ultimate flight into eternity. But we so often see the cocoon stage as the “Be all,” of our existence. Or we may see it as another stop in our “evolution.” Why is it so difficult to go to the God who created us? He did not create us without the “Spiritual Education” we would need in order to fly into our purpose.

He will supply all our needs in Philippians 4:19. Do not rely on what you think you know or feel. Go to the Maker’s Instruction Book and find your purpose in His Word. He promises to Lead and guide you in Psalms 32:8

Have a beautiful day!

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