“He is Risen,” has been the joyous shout since Mary returned from the empty tomb 2000 years ago.
What a Joy it is for believers to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. We celebrate it every year in the spring on Easter. But I want to put a question out there. Do we celebrate this awesome event each day? Christ’s resurrection is the crowning glory of the Christian life. If He had not risen, where is the victory?
When Jesus died at Calvary, Satan had a high time with the believers. Promoting fear and doubt; sorrow and confusion at the death of our Beloved Savior. We can understand that today because we know what happened just as they finally saw for themselves the empty tomb and spent time with Him so many days following.
Take a look at your life on any given day. But especially on the dark days, difficult — even tragic days. Are you hiding, insecure, and even afraid? Are you confused when you cannot see the purpose in your pain? Is God silent?
I want to encourage you, Jesus is still risen! He has not forgotten you. Do not listen to the stranger’s voice. When things become dark, or dismal consider what Christ was doing during the time, between His death and resurrection. He descended into Hell for you and me and took the keys of death and Hell forever gaining our victory. They could not see it then but with the eyes of faith in what we know to be true, we can stand in victory. Though for a little while we are tested and go through darkness, He is not in the grave- He is with us and will see us through!
I need to remind myself of these truths the same as you. The battle was won for us. Our life on this earth is the time to go deep with Christ; our Resurrected Christ as we await the day, we will see Him and reign with Him forever. For as Christ is Risen — we too are risen with Him.